Thursday, May 7, 2015

Google Define

This function and use is difficult to explain; I will attempt in this post. As language arts teachers it our responsibility (among many others) to help build students vocabulary, the more words you know, the better your reading and writing...duh.

One of the ways I do this is to use the Google search page to define words while projecting it on the Activ-board so the students can see. 

If you look at the image I have inserted above you will see an example of how to do this. When our class comes to a challenging word, or I want the students to think about the origins of the word,  or I want to identify the prefix or suffix of I word I use this function on Google. 

It gives you the phonetic spelling, the audio of the pronunciation, the part of speech, definition, synonyms, antonyms, and (my favorite) the a graph to show the words use over time.

I have noticed my students using this function on their; it is an excellent tool for students and teachers.

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