Tuesday, May 5, 2015


While I am not using anything new to most people, it is new to me.  I have started using Edmodo in conjunction with my SchoolWires site.  When listening to an "educational expert" during the summer workshops talk about how Edmodo is a more secure site for passing information to only my students I thought I should try.   I started out by requiring all students to log into an Edmodo page I created for each class.  The first grade of the year was a check in Edmodo for everyone to have logged into Edmodo. Once everyone has signed up for Edmodo I can now post assignments their.  I especially like posting actual worksheets, packets, even PowerPoints for the students to access from home.  They are also able to leave messages not just to me but to anyone in the class.  Most time I do not have to answer a question as someone else has helped that person solve the problem.  I even started an Edmodo page titled Burfy's Law.  It basically has the  same info but I can also use it to get a message out to all classes at once.  I would like to learn how to better utilize Edmodo as I know I am just scratching the surface

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