Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hardware to support tech

One of the biggest issues I have in class is students doing work on Chromebooks but not having the capabilities to print the document.  Not that all documents need printing, as most of my assigned work can done online, but there are times when I want students to have a paper copy in front of them.   However, because our Chromebooks don't have access to wireless printers, paper copies in a class room are not possible.  I would hope that somewhere in our district's tech budget there is room for some upgrades to our classroom printers so that our students can print hard copies when needed. 
Anyone have thoughts are ideas to get around this until then?   

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Man we just received a printer in the school library that will print documents from the Chromebooks. Dennis (our tech "guy") installed just last week. The two science teachers- Kerlee and Betzler have uploaded all classes to the printer, so each student now has access to this printer. In fact I think Dennis will be coming to one of our team meetings to teach us how to do that.
