Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Skyward Assignments and Tests

In reading Dyame's post regarding using Google Forms as quizzes,  it got me thinking about trying this on Skyward. The appeal of creating a test or assignment that students can complete anywhere, anytime is almost too hard to pass up. In addition to this, from my understanding, Skyward grades the assignment! One of my major obstacles as an educator is finding enough time to thoughtfully and purposefully grade all of the assignments that students turn in, and do it in a timely manner that is of the utmost benefit to students. In creating assignments through this avenue, some simpler grading could be done via Skyward and more efforts could be given to grading written work. If anyone has tried this, I would love to hear your feedback.

Amanda Bee


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bee...I used to use the Skyward assessments all the time. The problem for me was I never figured out how to save the tests that I created in a file to use again at a later date. The program itself wasn't too bad. It could be improved but maybe now it has been as the last time I used it was pretty long ago. If you want to sit down and figure this out...I'd be up for it.

