Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Last year, I applied for a technology grant via SVSD. It was a delight to receive this endowment and have 17 Chromebooks bestowed upon room 902. Later in the year, three more mysteriously showed up to make a set of 20. Though it would be exponentially more beneficial to operate with an entire class set, these devices have transformed the way that I can teach and opens up another world for students.

Primarily, Chromebooks are the gateway to Google Drive, which unlocks a myriad of avenues in the realm of editing, sharing, and grading work (more about this in my next entry). This has been very useful in teaching the structured writing that has been adopted by the district. They also serve as an excellent tool for research projects. Throughout the year, students have used them to further explore several ancient civilizations beyond their textbooks. Lastly, Chromebooks are a wonderful stratagem for student engagement. Students get excited for the opportunity to complete work on the computers. As individuals that have grown up with these technologies surrounding them, they are capable, comfortable, and enthusiastic about having access to them in the classroom.

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