Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Perhaps the most useful piece of technology for my day-to-day operations is usage of the ActivInspire slides.  I use them daily as a way for the class to see what is going to be covered that day and to introduce the learning target.  Using these has also been a way to keep students on track.  If it's off when they walk in I notice a little bit of confusion.  When I turn it on, I notice that they are quick to address whatever is asked of them on the slide for the agenda. 
It's a great tool...easy to use and keep for following years with slight modifications.



  1. Tony- I do not use my Activ-Inpire as much as I should. I like the idea of creating slides, and or charts to add visuals to my lectures.

  2. I use this tool on a daily basis. As soon as the kids enter, they refer to the Activeboard. Their daily agenda for the class, as well as the learning target are posted here. It is a fun way to introduce the day to the kids that includes graphics and technology. It also doubles as a planning tool for me, as I can do my lesson plans on slides that are available for future use.

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  4. What I like is that often all my notes are in my head. From year to year this old brain is losing some great lessons. I have started to use activeinspire to create those notes and then saving them. It has helped in trying to remember year to year. I just noticed that if I have anything on the screen when they walk in it tends to get them focused an little more....
