Throughout my teaching career, I have used ActivInspire and the ActiveBoard to create, track, and implement lesson plans. It is a simple tool to use and the kids enjoy the colorful images that give them direction the minute the walk in the door.
ActivInspire provides a fun way for kids to get involved in group and guided lessons, as it allows them to do examples in front of the class using technology. I have found that student become very engaged in these kinds of lessons and it can even make grammar fun. It also provides an avenue for group or individual presentations that are created with technologies such as PowerPoint or Google Docs.
From an educators point of view, it makes lessons created in a previous year easily accessible. I have all of my Flipcharts saved in folders that are ready to use, so it takes away a portion of planning stress. Having said this, it also allows an easy way to share lessons with collegues.
If you haven't tried using this in your classroom, I highly recommend it.
Amanda...I couldn't agree more. There is some initial work in setting up the flip charts but you more than make up for it in the back end when you need to reference it at a later date. Also, the kids walk into class and see it on the Activboard and immediately know what's in store for the day. It's by far one of the best teaching tools we have with regards to tech. That's Amanda for showing me this tool! :)